Behavioral Consultations, Including Puppy Consultations, Are Conducted by Certified Behavioral Consultant Bc. Helena Teplická DipCABT-D :
- Member of ESVCE (European Society of Veterinary Clinical Ethology)
- Member of IAABC (International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants)
Behavioral consultations

What Is a Behavioral Consultation?
A behavioral consultation focuses on analyzing your dog's behavior and finding effective solutions to issues that may disrupt your daily life together. Its goal is to understand the reasons behind your dog’s behavior and provide you with specific tools and techniques to improve it while strengthening the bond between you and your dog.
The aim is not only to eliminate undesirable behavior but also to enhance your dog’s overall well-being and ensure that communication between you and your dog is as smooth and effective as possible. Behavioral consultations are grounded in scientific research and proven methods that promote behavioral changes through positive and gentle approaches.
During the consultation, we focus on understanding your dog’s behavior, needs, and motivations, as well as making adjustments to their environment or daily routine to create a natural and harmonious balance for both your dog and you.
Who Is a Behavioral Consultation Suitable For?
A behavioral consultation is perfect for dog owners facing any of the following challenges:
Fear of nail trimming, handling, or visits to the vet.
Displays of aggressive behavior, such as growling or biting.
Timidity or fear of unfamiliar situations, people, or objects.
Hyperactivity, with difficulty calming down or relaxing.
Destructive behavior, such as damaging the home, garden, or belongings.
Appears sad, disinterested in their surroundings, or unengaged with toys.
Excess energy following surgery or illness that you’re unsure how to manage.
Lack of responsiveness to commands or difficulty motivating your dog to cooperate.
Any other undesirable behavior that causes concern or disrupts your routine.
How Does the Consultation Work?
During the consultation, we will evaluate all available information about your dog – its health, history, living environment, and the situations in which the problematic behavior occurs. We will ask you important questions to gain a thorough understanding of the root causes of your dog’s behavior.
Based on this information, we will present tailored suggestions for improvement – specific steps, methods, and recommendations grounded in the latest scientific research. Our goal is not only to address undesirable behavior but also to enhance your dog's overall well-being and strengthen the bond between you and your dog.
Why Do Behavioral Consultations Work?
Many behavioral issues stem from a misunderstanding of a dog’s natural needs or ineffective communication between the owner and the dog. Often, small adjustments in approach, environment, or daily routine can significantly improve a dog’s behavior.
While some behaviors may be entirely natural for the dog, they can be perceived as problematic by humans when they occur in certain situations or in inappropriate places. Our task is to help you understand these differences and establish rules that work for both you and your dog.
What is a Puppy Consultation?
Getting a puppy brings not only joy but also responsibility. Early socialization is crucial for your puppy to grow into a confident and well-behaved dog that can enjoy the company of people and other animals without fear. The ideal time for learning is within the first five months of life when a puppy is most receptive to new experiences. During this period, with the right approach, you can prevent many issues that may arise later on.
In our consultations, you’ll learn how to create a safe and stimulating environment for your puppy and how to establish the right rules from the start. These foundational steps will make future training and communication with your dog much easier throughout their life.

What Will You Learn During Puppy Consultations?
How to handle typical puppy behaviors (chewing, biting objects).
How to prepare your home for living with a dog.
Socialization: why it’s important and how to do it correctly.
What to teach your puppy during its developmental stages and how to do it.
What to expect during your dog’s adolescence and how to prepare for it.
Basic training: recall, responding to their name.
How to deal with problematic behaviors (jumping, chewing, barking, digging).
Prevention of issues such as food guarding, boredom, separation anxiety, or fear.
Caring for your dog’s needs – walking, routine, and establishing good habits at home.
Tips for managing situations that may be challenging for your puppy.
Additionally, we will answer any questions you have regarding raising and caring for your puppy.