Opening hours
Mon - Fri: 9:00am-9:00pm
Weekend closed

Where to find us
Počátecká 1013/5,
140 00 Praha 4

How to find us?
We are located at Počátecká 1013/5, Prague 4, Michle, between the metro stops Budějovická and Kačerov.
From metro C, Budějovická station, it's a 600-meter walk (approximately 10 minutes).
From metro C, Kačerov station, it's a 550-meter walk (approximately 8 minutes).
On Budějovická Street, there are 2 bus stops:
bus stop Lísek – buses 117, 203, 904 stop here – about a 3-minute walk.
Parking is available around the clinic in the blue parking zone (Prague 4) – parking is allowed without restriction for residents and subscribers with a purchased parking card. For others, parking is allowed for up to 3 hours with payment via virtual parking meters (mobile app). The parking fee is 40 CZK/hour.
Please do NOT PARK on the yellow lines IN FRONT of the veterinary clinic – this is private property.